Saturday, 7 April 2007

Networking technology

“Not so long ago the Internet used to be run on phone system, but now, phone system are running on the Internet.” Kooksoon Loh 2000

Over the last few years networking technology has improved to the stage where voice can be transmitted reliably over the network. Nevertheless, growth in voice traffic has been relatively small comparing to the growth of data traffic which is greater than voice traffic in majority of the networks. However voice traffic, as an application on a data network, has gained great benefit from many existed technologies that resulted in breakthroughs in latency management and queuing prioritization, which was then applied and employed in voice traffic.

In addition to the above, standards have been set to assist commercial use of voice over packet technology VoIP, ATM cells or frame relay cells.

Nevertheless and with these technologies comes the pressure of choosing the right and suitable technology for any specific situations and task, furthermore comes the difficulty of interoperability between these varieties of networks.

However achieving interoperability between these varieties of networks will allow users to benefit from the best that each of these technologies has to offer.
Additionally it is clear that manly cost saving and efficient use of network resources are the driving forces behind the voice over packet solutions.

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